What is the address of the fifth circuit court of appeals
What is the address of the fifth circuit court of appeals

Within the past 14 days, have you had a positive test results for COVID-19 from a testing center or by the Department of Health? Within the past 14 days, have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 by a doctor?Įn los últimos 14 días, ¿ha sido diagnosticado con COVID-19 por un médico? ¿Se le ha pedido permanecer en auto-cuarentena por el Departamento de Salud de Nuevo México debido al COVID-19 y está todavía dentro del período de cuarentena? Have you been asked by the New Mexico Department of Health to self-quarantine because of COVID-19 and are you still within the quarantine period? Within the past 14 days, have you left New Mexico or traveled to New Mexico from a location outside of the State or outside the United States? (If you are a participant in a court proceeding that is occurring today or court ordered to be here, please answer “other”)Įn los últimos 14 días, ¿ha salido de Nuevo México o ha viajado a Nuevo México desde un lugar fuera del Estado o fuera de los Estados Unidos? (Si usted es un participante en un proceso judicial que se está llevando a cabo hoy o el tribunal ordenó estar aquí, por favor responda “otro”) Si responde “sí” a cualquiera de las preguntas, puede dejar de responder las preguntas de evaluación, usted NO PUEDE ENTRAR AL EDIFICIO.

what is the address of the fifth circuit court of appeals

If you answer “yes” to any of the questions, you may stop answering the screening questions, you are NOT PERMITTED IN THE BUILDING. New Mexico Judicial Branch COVID-19 Court Facility Screening Questions Individuals should consider the following prior to entering court facilities: IMPORTANT: Wearing a face mask is REQUIRED to enter the courthouse per NM Supreme Court Order. The 5th District and Magistrate Courts will remain open during regular court business hours.

What is the address of the fifth circuit court of appeals